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I Am Taking My Time To Write My Memoir -Ibrahim Babaginda



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The former Military President, Ibrahim Badamosi Babanginda (IBB) said last night that his memoirs was taking him much time to write because he wanted to do a thorough job of it.

The Fidelinfo gathered that Babaginda made the comments on Channels Television.

He said that he was particularly meticulous to get his facts right so that he would not end up fighting libel suits once the book is published.

“I am scared of somebody suing me to court to say that I libeled somebody or that I misrepresented somebody and I will spend five years going to court,” Babangida said.

When the anchor told him about what his friends said about him (Babangida) being bound by the oath of secrecy to keep some issues to himself, he swiftly responded: “Don’t forget, not only in Nigeria but throughout the world, for a certain number of years beyond which anybody will punish you for opening the secret because you have passed certain limitation period.

“It (memoirs) will come but if it doesn’t come my children will go into the classroom and make research. Everything that will need research about us we have it in abundance. I know that General Obasanjo has a library that is very rich.

Reminded about the statement made by the late Chinua Achebe that whoever disagrees with his book, could go and write his own account of history, the former military ruler said: “that is right, I think I will go along that way. If you disagree, write your own and I will read it.


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