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“Arms Money Missing Under Buratai, Ex-Service Chiefs” – NSA



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Maj. Gen Babagana Monguno, the National Security Adviser to the President has affirmed that some funds meant for the purchase of arms in the fight against terror in the country got missing during the the tenure of the ex-service chiefs.

The ex-service Chiefs are, Gen. Abayomi Olonisakin; Chief of Defence Staff, Lt-Gen. Tukur Buratai; Chief of Army Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok Ekwe Ibas; Chief of Naval Staff and Air Marshal Sadique Umar; Chief of Air Staff.

The NSA, in an interview with BBC Hausa, monitored by the FiFidelinfoNews on Friday, said, “No one knows what happened to the money but by God’s grace, the president will investigate to find out whether the money was spent and where the arms went.”

The NSA also added that the new service chiefs have not seen any of the arms that the funds were supposed to be used to procure.

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