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Gunmen Attacks Police Station, Burns Anambra INEC Headquarters



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The Police in Anambra State have confirmed attacks on the state headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission and Police B’Division in Awka, the State capital on Sunday night.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Ikenga Tochukwu, who confirmed the incident said he had scanty information on the development.

He said, “Please, I will get back to you as soon as I get the full details.”

Gunmen had around 9pm on Sunday invaded B Division Police Station and the INEC office in Awka.

Some police officers were feared dead in the attack.

Eyewitnesses said the attack lasted for about two hours with gunshots.

“The gunmen set the police station and INEC office ablaze. It was followed by what looks like mass robbery in the area with gunshots everywhere. It was like we were in Sambisa Forest,” an eyewitness said.

It was gathered the gunmen invaded the area in three Hilux vehicles.

“They shot for more than one hour at B-Division before leaving. They then stopped at Ekwueme Square and shot for about 10 minutes before proceeding to the INEC Office which they set on fire,” the eyewitness added.

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