
Bringing horses to the Stadium is now banned – says Executive Chairman of Kwara Sports Commission



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The Executive Chairman of Kwara State Sports Commission, Mallam Bolakale Mogaji, has banned bringing horses to the Stadium.

Mogaji gave the order on Thursday afternoon, June 13, after one of the horses was found dead inside the Stadium.

The veteran Squash Coach explained that it is heartbreaking to see people turning the Stadium into where horses are being fed without even knowing the owners.

“This is the second time a horse will die inside the Stadium and we don’t even know the owner and they are causing damage. So going forward, nobody will be allowed to bring horses inside the Stadium,” Mogaji explained.

Mogaji has also banned people from using rams to fight inside the Stadium adding that anyone caught in the process would have to face the wrath of the law.

It will be recalled that Governor AbdulRahman recently completed the rehabilitation and reconstruction of roads inside the Stadium with Mogaji expressing happiness for the Stadium having a new look.

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