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Roma SACK Jose Mourinho! Portuguese boss dismissed after AC Milan defeat 



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Jose Mourinho has been sacked by Roma after their poor start to the 2023-24 season, with a 2-1 loss to AC Milan proving to be the final straw.

Roma’s latest defeat to Milan was their seventh from 20 Serie A games so far this season, and it saw them drop to ninth in the table. The Giallorossi still have an outside chance of finishing in the Champions League spots, with only five points separating them and fourth-placed Fiorentina, but Mourinho won’t be taking them any further, having paid the ultimate price for the team’s dismal recent performances.

Milan owners Dan and Ryan Friedkin have released a joint statement confirming Mourinho’s dismissal, which reads: “We would like to thank José on behalf of all of us at AS Roma for his passion and efforts since his arrival at the club,” said Dan and Ryan Friedkin. We will always have great memories of his tenure at Roma, but we believe that an immediate change is in the best interests of the club. We wish José and his assistants all the best in their future endeavours.”

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