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Sanusi supports relocation of CBN departments to Lagos



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An ex-Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, has supported the decision to relocate some staff members of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) from Abuja to Lagos, saying it is a “sensible move”.

Sanusi also said that children of politicians who work with the apex bank would rather quit than leave their “spoilt Abuja life” for Lagos, adding that it is better to get rid of them under the situation.

He made this statement while backing the relocation of some departments of the CNB from Abuja to Lagos by the President Bola Tinubu-led government.

Recently, the apex bank announced plans to move its banking supervision department from Abuja to Lagos.

Northern Senators Forum (NSF) has, however, raised concerns over the plan and stated it would engage the Federal Government.

Sanusi, therefore, said the present management of the apex bank should not shelve their planned relocation over any pressure and should be prepared to sack any personnel who refused to move if necessary.

He said: “The problem we have now is that many employees are children of politically exposed persons, and their Abuja life and businesses are more important than the CBN work.

“The CBN is just an address for them, and if they have to choose between their spoilt Abuja life and the job, they would gladly leave the CBN.

“All the more reason for the Governor to put his foot down and get rid of those elements; they are dangerous for the bank’s future.”


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