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Premier League clubs to vote on SCRAPPING VAR ahead of 2024-25 season



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Premier League clubs will sensationally vote on a proposal to scrap VAR completely ahead of the 2024/25 season.


According to Per The Athletic, Premier League clubs are to vote on scrapping the VAR system ahead of the 2024/25 season at their annual general meeting next month. Wolves have formally submitted the resolution, which will require the approval of 14 of 20 clubs to pass.


There have been a variety of VAR controversies this season, most notably Liverpool’s wrongly disallowed goal against Tottenham. Nottingham Forest have also repeatedly complained about the usage of the technology, even writing to the Premier League to protest against it.


The Premier League, through a spokesman, has insisted that the competition “remains committed” to VAR.


In a statement, Wolves said: “There is no blame to be placed — we are all just looking for the best possible outcome for football — and all stakeholders have been working hard to try and make the introduction of additional technology a success.


“However, after five seasons of VAR in the Premier League, it is time for a constructive and critical debate on its future.


“Our position is that the price we are paying for a small increase in accuracy is at odds with the spirit of our game, and as a result we should remove it from the 2024/25 season onwards.”


They added that VAR has “numerous unintended negative consequences that are damaging the relationship between fans and football, and undermining the value of the Premier League brand”.


The Premier League will conclude this weekend and the general vote will take place next month. Wolves will need the support of 13 other Premier League clubs for the motion to be passed, and for VAR to potentially be removed completely from the English game

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