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Sallah: Ram sellers cry out over low patronage in Osun



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Ram sellers in Osun State have cried out that they are facing low patronage ahead of the Sallah festivities.

According to one of the ram sellers, Adebowale Saheed in Osogbo, the state capital said the business is no longer booming as usual.

“I used to sell more than 20 rams per day but now, I hardly sell five in a day as buyers are lamenting over lack of money.

“Last year, the business was lucrative because people were buying rams,” he said.

Another ram seller, Bello Nurudeen Bolarinwa told FIDELINFO newsmen in Ilobu, that the rate at which business is moving is very discouraging.

“This is the biggest Islamic celebration and Muslims are supposed to be happy,” he noted.

He further stated that many people now are thinking of how to put food on the table for the families, lamenting that many people cannot even provide a square meal in a day.

According to another ram seller, Olarinde Yusuf at Ifon Osun, the situation has become so worrisome as the cost of living has gone beyond the reach of most Nigerians.

He said, “Nigerians are dying of hunger and starvation and the government is busy calling on the people to be singing new National Anthem. Is it not somebody that is well fed that can sing?”

One Adegbile Sulaimon observed that the cost of ram has gone beyond the reach of the common man.

“The celebration is between me and Allah and not with anyone. Allah does not look at the money one spends in the celebration but Allah looks at man’s mind,” he said.

He blamed the government for making people’s lives miserable due to high cost of living

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