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Democracy Day: NYCN says the Labour of our heroes past shall not be in vain; the youth standing Point



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Today, as we mark 25th anniversary of uninterrupted Democracy, National Youth Council of Nigeria, Osun State chapter headed by Com Adetunji David Ajala has reflected on the enduring principles of democracy and social justice as enshrined in our constitution.

As we celebrate democracy day, we must reflect on the labour of our heroes past in their youthful age and what the youth of nowadays represent.

It’s a day to honour the sacrifices of those who have fought for democracy in Nigeria in their youthful age whose commitment is geared towards a better Nigeria .

It’s not a doubt, there are many achievements democracy has brought to Nigeria,even though we are not there yet

Celebration of the 25th year anniversary of democracy should be a time of sober reflection looking at myriads of challenges the youth and the people are facing at this time, with many almost giving up on the Country.

The youth must stand to support our dear country and be ready to contribute their own quota to the development of our dear state and Nigeria as a whole .

I must say that the government at all levels must be humane and sincere with her citizens to take the country to a better heights.

As the Chairman of National Youth Council of Nigeria,Osun state I believed that Nigeria will be better if everyone of us contribute our quota and the government is sincerely deliver dividends of democracy to her people.

On this Democracy Day, let show more commitment to good governance and live together as one family irrespective of our ethnic affiliations. The government must take giant strides in the area of competitive advantage to liberate her people.

Happy Democracy Day to all!
Build the youth…build the Nation!

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