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LG Chairmen Tenure: Fubara deserves Nobel Peace Prize, say Diaspora Nigerians



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Nigerians in Diaspora Monitoring Group (NDMG) has nominated Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara for the Nobel Peace Prize for saving democracy and eschewing illegality in the state.

In a statement on Wednesday, the group said Fubara was brave, decisive, and swift to direct Heads of Local Government Administration to assume responsibility at the 23 council areas.

Recall that the governor ordered elected local government chairmen, vice-chairmen, and councillors to step aside on Monday after the expiration of their three-year tenure.

In the statement signed by Dr Markson Martins, the group commended the governor for skillfully avoiding potential criminality and a breakdown of law and order with a view toward a peaceful transition.

The statement noted that the governor embodies the spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize, adding that his unwavering commitment to democracy, stability, and the well-being of his people makes him an inspiration to Nigerians and a shining example for African leaders.

The group, therefore, urged other leaders in the country to emulate Governor Fubara’s exemplary leadership, prioritising the rule of law, democracy, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

“We proudly nominate Governor Siminalayi Fubara for the esteemed Nobel Peace Prize.

“This recognition is in honour of his exemplary leadership and commitment to upholding democracy in Rivers.

“Recently, Governor Fubara demonstrated his dedication to the rule of law by directing Heads of Local Government Administration to assume responsibility for the 23 council areas.

“This decisive action followed the expiration of the three-year tenure of elected local government chairmen, vice-chairmen, and councillors.

“By taking this step, he skillfully avoided potential illegality and a breakdown of law and order, ensuring a peaceful transition.

“Governor Fubara’s leadership embodies the spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize. His unwavering commitment to democracy, stability, and the well-being of his people makes him an inspiration to Nigerians and a shining example for African leaders.

“His actions have not only maintained peace in Rivers State but also strengthened trust in government. We urge the Nobel Committee to recognize Governor Fubara’s remarkable achievement and award him the Nobel Peace Prize.

“His leadership is a beacon of hope for Nigeria and Africa, and this recognition will further inspire him and other leaders to prioritize peace, democracy, and the greater good.

“We call on other Nigerian leaders to emulate Governor Fubara’s exemplary leadership, prioritizing the rule of law, democracy, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts,” the statement reads.



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