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Why I relocated to US, Fuji star, Adewale Ayuba explains



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Famous Fuji musician Adewale Ayuba has revealed why he relocated to the United States.

In a recent interview with Teju Babyface, the Fuji ace said his initial relocation to the U.S. happened in 1995 during a three-month summer show with his band.

According to him, the political circumstances under the regime of the late military head of state, General Sani Abacha, prevented his return to Nigeria.

The Fuji star explained that after releasing an album advocating for the freedom of political detainees, including the late MKO Abiola, he faced serious threats.

Following the death of the totalitarian leader in 1998, Ayuba said he returned to Nigeria to perform at the Benson and Hedges Concert.

Ayuba shared that during his extended stay in the U.S., he enrolled in school and completed the necessary documentation to become an American citizen.

The Fuji star also revealed that it was in America he met his wife. 

He said, “I left for America with my full band members in 1995 for a summer show and others. We came to America for about three months and then returned to Nigeria.

“I returned to Nigeria in 1998 when Abacha died. The three years I stayed in America were by the grace of God because he is a good planner.”

He noted that he only performed on weekends in the U.S., allowing him ample time during the week to pursue education and other activities.

Ayuba also said he converted to Christianity because his inability to pray in Arabic hindered his practice of Islam.

He said he often relied on clerics to pray on his behalf. 

He queried, “People claim Ayuba is a Muslim. Have they seen me in the mosque? If I were practising Islam, wouldn’t someone have noticed?”

“Why is this an issue? Can they let me be? They say I should pray five times daily, but I’m not. My mother is an Alhaja, and although my father never went to Mecca, we practice Islam at home.”

The musician said his choice was personal and brought him closer to God.

He stated, “I chose Jesus Christ because he proclaimed, ‘I am the truth, the way, and the life.’ This is my personal choice.”

Mr Fuji, as he was also called by his fans, began his music career as a teenager and released his first album, Ibere (Beginning), in 1986.

Ayuba is celebrated for his albums such as Bubble, Turn Me On, Ijo Fuji, and Koloba Koloba.

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