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Buge outlines agenda as Kwara holds 1st Adolescent & Youth Conference May 28



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Kwara State Government will on May 28 hold a conference dedicated to issues concerning youth and adolescents, further showing the commitment of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq to the welfare of young people in the state.

Titled ‘Adolescents & Youth Conference 2024’, the event is part of the low-key commemoration of the fifth anniversary of AbdulRazaq’s administration.

“This groundbreaking event is set to take place on the 28th of May, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the DePeace Hotel and Suites, Tanke, Ilorin,” according to a statement by the Honourable Commissioner for Youths Development Nafisat Buge.

The theme of the conference is ‘Empowering Tomorrow, Transforming Perspective, Healing Minds, and Shaping Governance’.

“The conference seeks to nurture the next generation of leaders by providing a platform for intergenerational dialogue where adolescents and youth engage in meaningful discussions, exchange ideas, and explore avenues for personal growth and societal impact,” Buge added.

The conference, which will bring together young minds from across the state, will feature insightful keynote speeches and interactive workshops, the statement said.

“Esteemed guests and experts in various fields will engage the youth in dialogues that inspire and empower them to contribute positively to their communities,” it added.

“In alignment with His Excellency Governor AbdulRazaq’s vision for youth empowerment and development, this conference is a step towards equipping the youth and children with the tools and knowledge they need to shape a better future for Kwara State. The Governor’s commitment to youth development over the past years has been remarkable, with numerous initiatives and programmes aimed at creating opportunities for our young people.”

Selected schools across the state are invited to send delegations of ten pupils aged 9-15 to represent their institutions, it stated.

“Registered youth organisations with the Ministry are also invited to send their delegations. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to youth development and its dedication to creating opportunities for young people to thrive,” the statement added.

“The Kwara State Government looks forward to welcoming students, youths, educators, and stakeholders to this landmark event, working collectively towards a brighter future for the youth of Kwara State. This conference is a testament to the achievements and continuous efforts of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq in fostering youth empowerment and development in the state.”

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