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Just In: UNILAG cancels Biochemistry, Petroleum & Gas Engineering admissions for 2024



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The prestigious University of Lagos has announced the suspension of admissions into its Biochemistry and Petroleum & Gas Engineering departments, effective from the 2024/2025 academic year.

This information was shared in a statement by Mrs. Olakunle Makinde, the Registrar, .

While UNILAG did not provide specific reasons for canceling admissions into these programmes, it advised prospective UTME and Direct Entry candidates to be aware of the change.

The statement noted that no new students would be admitted into these programs until further notice.

“All prospective UTME and Direct Entry candidates for the 2024 admission should please note that the University of Lagos will not run two programmes, namely, Biochemistry and Petroleum & Gas Engineering,” the statement read.

“Hence, there will be no admission into the two programmes for the 2024/2025 academic session and until further notice.

“Candidates are hereby advised not to choose any of these programmes, and those who have done so should change to other programmes.”

Candidates are advised to select alternative programmes to ensure their applications are processed smoothly for the upcoming academic year.



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