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Kwara Hotel: Who cursed PDP with spreading fake news?



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There is no better time to ask members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kwara State who cursed them with spreading fake news than now. These guys do not have anything they do with their lives other than to share fake news and raise false alarms. This week alone, more than six of their fake news against the Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq administration had been busted and debunked.

Because if they are not cursed, why do they have to continue doing something that has failed to give them the needed result? It was this same pattern of falsehood and fake news they employed against the Governor during the last governorship election in the state. Yet, they could not unseat him as he got the massive support of well-meaning Kwarans who had chosen not to let their Leader and his accomplices in looting return.

Their false alarm about Governor AbdulRazaq wanting to sell off Kwara Hotel is the recent and worst of the fake news I have come across this year. Let’s even put their phony news aside; how these guys pretend to feel concerned about the state of the legacy Hotel is baffling. The same Hotel their Leader, Bukola Saraki, and his handpicked successor, AbdulFatah, left in what can be described as an awful condition.

The last time the Hotel had a facelift was during the administration of the late Governor Muhammed Lawal. Saraki and AbdulFatah, in their 16 years of comforting themselves while afflicting Kwarans, did not find a reason to give it a facelift. Instead, they employed their minions therein to pillage its income. Unfortunately, it is still these same guys who praised their Leader and his successor for leaving the Hotel in a very terrible condition, calling out a Governor who has good intentions.

It’s important to let members of the PDP or whatever they call themselves, know that Governor AbdulRazaq is not an ‘Akotileta’ like their Leader and his successor who sold Kwara’s properties to their allies and siphoned the money. Also, they should know that AbdulRazaq is not like their Honcho, who abandoned the unfinished projects of the previous government on the altar of politics of who conceived what.

AbdulRazaq is not selling off Kwara Hotel but wants to take it on the path of modern reconstruction, which is the best at this period. And for an infrastructure that was last facelifted 20 years ago, there would be items no longer in good shape that are expected to be trashed or auctioned. It was these items the state government is legally auctioning off that our shameless and deceitful brothers and sisters in the dead opposition party are mischievously tagging ‘selling off Kwara Hotel.’

Those who say Kwara PDP is no longer an opposition but a fake news blog are right. There is no other thing it does with its handle other than to post fake news. Since it appointed one of its best in generating falsehood and spreading lies some of us have known that the Kwara All Progressives Congress (APC) has a lot of work to do in the area of debunking fake news and false alarms.

For members of the PDP to think they can come back to ruling Kwara State through the spreading of fake news and watering down the outstanding efforts of the AbdulRazaq-led administration shows that they are still living in their past. And there is a saying that those who live in their past deny themselves of progress. These guys need to be told that the Kwara they led with fake news years ago is different from the one we have today.

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