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Months After Presenting Patrol Vehicles, Governor AbdulRazaq Procures Operational Motorcycles for KWARTMA



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Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has presented brand new operational Motorcycles to Kwara State Road Traffic Management Authority (KWARTMA) for improved traffic management in the State.

Months ago, the governor presented patrol vehicles to KWARTMA to improve their operation.

AbdulRazaq charged the authority to utilize the motorcycles for the purpose they are meant for.

Months After Presenting Patrol Vehicles, Governor AbdulRazaq Procures Operational Motorcycles for KWARTMA

In his appreciation remark, the Ag. Chief Executive Officer of KWARTMA, Engr. Bamidele Michael expressed his gratitude to His Excellency, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for the gesture, adding that it will boost response time of the agency in terms of emergencies. He also commended the Governor for his unwavering supports to KWARTMA, having presented 3 brand new operational vehicles to the Authority months ago.

Engr. Bamidele applauded the Governor for the construction and rehabilitation of roads and flyover bridges in the state. This according to him will enhance free flow of traffic and attracts potential investors into the state.

Months After Presenting Patrol Vehicles, Governor AbdulRazaq Procures Operational Motorcycles for KWARTMA

“The motorcycles will enhance the authority to expand its tentacles and scope of operation, making KWARTMA to be more responsive” Bamidele said.

The Ten Brand new operational Motorcycles were customized in KWARTMA brand and accompanied with branded safety helmets.

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