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Spraying N1,000 notes lands Gombe woman in EFCC net



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The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has reportedly arrested a Gombe woman, identified as Janty Emmanuel, for publicly spraying N1,000 notes at a social event.

According to Dele Oyewale, the EFCC spokesman, Emmanuel was seen openly spraying the cash at G-Connect in Tumfure, Gombe State, on Monday, May 20, 2024.

The incident was recorded and quickly went viral on social media, drawing the attention of the EFCC.

Acting on the intelligence, the anti-graft agency operatives promptly arrested Emmanuel and brought her in for questioning.

During the interrogation, she admitted to having committed the offense, citing a moment of excitement and recklessness.

The agency has promised to continue its campaign against currency abuse, which is punishable under the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act.

The EFCC warned that such behaviour would not be condoned, as it undermines the dignity and value of the Naira.

Emmanuel will face charges in court once the agency completes its investigation, and if found guilty, she may face a fine or, imprisonment, or both.



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